Beginner Level
A two day opportunity for all the young chocolatiers to embark on an illuminating journey of basic chocolate making. Discover the voyage of chocolate from a bean to a bar; taste numerous chocolates and ingredients; temper chocolate through various methods; learn the principles of chocolate storage and master different moulding and piping techniques. To sum it all up, create delicious chocolate shells with this certified chocolate making course in Nagpur.
Intermediate Level
Stepping ahead from basic chocolate creation, the intermediate level of this chocolate workshop enlightens trainees about the art of bonbon making; techniques of making inclusion and visible bars, pate de fruit and colouring chocolate using cocoa butter. A package of methods for making succulent chocolate bars for your loved ones at home. Hop on to this two day journey of learning and fun with the certified intermediate chocolate making course in Nagpur.

Advance Level
The two day advance level certified course in Nagpur consists of working with bean to bar ruby chocolate; multiple layer bonbons; techniques like advance colouring with spray gun, hand-dipping or enrobing and working with texture sheets and hollow figures. Get hands-on experience in professional chocolate making and create your path towards the sweetness of cocoa beans with Tricous chocolate academy in Nagpur.